Millions of Australia have shown up and spoken out against this climate wrecking mine. They will keep on until we stop Adani. It’s time our elected representative stood with them.
In response to the news Adani will self-fund its Carmichael coal mine and plans to start construction before Christmas, Australian Conservation Foundation Chief Executive Officer, Kelly O’Shanassy, said:
“The mega-polluting Adani coal mine is one step closer to being built. Our elected representatives now have a clear choice on Adani.
“Do they support opening up a massive new coal basin right when the world’s climate scientists desperately warn we must rapidly transition away from burning fossil fuels to halt global warming?
“Or do they stand with the millions of Australians who want this mine stopped to help secure a safe climate and stable communities?
“Make no mistake. Many on both sides of politics understand burning the coal from the Adani mine and the broader Galilee Basin will be terribly damaging for our climate.
“They understand burning this coal will fuel global warming, unleash more dangerous extreme weather on our communities, bleach more of our Great Barrier Reef and pose an existential threat to our Pacific island friends. They understand that burning this coal will contribute to more bushfires like those in Queensland and more floods like those in Sydney
“They understand it doesn’t matter where this coal is burnt – it will hurt Australian communities. And they understand Adani will guzzle billions of litres of Queensland’s clean water while the state suffers through prolonged drought.
“But too many of our pollies are ignoring the danger of burning coal. Or denying it. Or hoping it will just go away.
“This financing announcement means ignorance, denial or avoidance are no longer viable. The only responsible response is to stop Adani and keep Galilee Basin coal in the ground.
“Adani’s announcement doesn’t mean this dangerous coal mine is a done deal. There are numerous regulatory hurdles, approvals and management plans to clear. Adani still needs to sign contracts, secure access to rail lines and unacceptably move to extinguish native title.
“Adani remains under investigation from the Queensland Government for allegedly sinking illegal bore holes into groundwater aquifers. And Adani is being taken to court by the government for polluting the Great Barrier Reef with polluted coal water.
“The Stop Adani movement will fight this proposed mine every step of the way. There is too much at stake.
“Millions of Australia have shown up and spoken out against this climate wrecking mine. They will keep on until we stop Adani. It’s time our elected representative stood with them.”