The Australian Conservation Foundation has lodged an appeal to the Federal Court’s decision which found the approval of Adani’s Carmichael coal mine to be lawful.

The Australian Conservation Foundation has lodged an appeal to the Federal Court’s decision which found the approval of Adani’s Carmichael coal mine to be lawful.

ACF disputes the Environment Minister’s argument in court that the burning of coal from Carmichael mine will not have an impact on global warming and the Great Barrier Reef.

“This is a profound moment in the history of protecting Australia’s environment, as we attempt to stop a coal mine that would create 4.6 billion tonnes of climate pollution if it is allowed to proceed,” said ACF’s President Geoff Cousins.

“Australia’s system of environment laws is broken if it allows the Federal Environment Minister to approve a mega-polluting coal mine – the biggest in Australia’s history – and claim it will have no impact on the global warming and the reef.

“If our environment laws are too weak to actually protect Australia’s unique species and places, they effectively give companies like Adani a licence to kill.

“Be in no doubt, Adani’s Carmichael proposal is massive and will lock in decades of damaging climate pollution if it goes ahead, further wrecking the reef.

“The science is clear that we can have coal or the reef – but we can’t have both.

“In our original legal challenge, Justice Griffiths recognised that there was considerable public interest in ACF’s case and we are in no doubt that we represent the concerns of the majority of Australians.

“In a ReachTel survey of 2,600 Australians at the end of August, 81 per cent said they would support stronger federal environment laws to protect the Great Barrier Reef.

“And 75 per cent support environment groups’ right to use legal avenues to uphold existing environmental laws.

“It comes down to this. The planet warming pollution from Adani’s coal mine threatens the reef and all living things. The Australian Conservation Foundation does not accept this future - and we will take all reasonable steps we can to stop this mine.”

ACF Media Enquiries

Journalists with enquiries may contact Josh Meadows on 0439 342 992.