Steven Marshall must be a forceful advocate for clean energy and cutting pollution on the national stage.
The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) has congratulated the Liberal Party for its win in the South Australia election and said the incoming government must maintain the state’s global leadership on clean energy and strong defence of the Murray-Darling.
ACF Climate Change and Clean Energy Campaign Manager, Gavan McFadzean, said Premier-elect Steven Marshall must continue the legacy of his predecessor and provide a strong counterweight to attacks on clean energy from hard-liners in Canberra.
“It is deeply worrying the South Australian Liberal Party has vowed to scrap the state’s successful renewable energy target. It is a position they should reverse to ensure South Australia maintains its widely recognised global leadership on clean energy and battery storage,” Mr McFadzean said.
“It is also critical Mr Marshall is a forceful advocate for clean energy and cutting pollution on the national stage and in his dealings with the Turnbull Government.
“We hope Mr Marshall continues South Australia’s strong advocacy for the Murray-Darling. He should complete the Royal Commission into compliance problems on our rivers. And he must fulfil his commitment to ensuring the Murray-Darling Basin Plan is completed on time and in full so that we restore our precious rivers, wetlands and wildlife.
“We also welcome Mr Marshall’s commitment to protecting the iconic Kalakoopah Creek Wilderness in the Simpson Desert Regional Reserve through a proclamation under the Wilderness Protection Act. It is now incumbent on the incoming government to fulfil this important commitment to the South Australian community.”