The Australian Conservation Foundation has welcomed the acknowledgement by embattled uranium miner Energy Resources of Australia that there is no future for uranium mining in Kakadu.

Energy Resources of Australia today informed the ASX that the Mirarr traditional owners have refused to extend ERA’s authority to operate the Ranger uranium mine beyond January 2021.

Under the terms of ERA’s lease all mining and processing at Ranger is required to cease by January 2021 with the company is legally obliged to have rehabilitated the site so it can be incorporated into the surrounding Kakadu National Park by January 2026.

ERA’s statement to the stock exchange today follows continuing operational failures at the mine site, the most recent of which was a fire lit by ERA that escaped from the mine area and burned 200 square kilometres of the World Heritage listed National Park.

“ACF welcomes ERA’s acknowledgement that the end of uranium mining in Kakadu is imminent,” said ACF’s Dave Sweeney.

“The company must now accept responsibility for a comprehensive and fully-costed exit and rehabilitation.”

ACF Media Enquiries

Journalists with enquiries may contact Josh Meadows on 0439 342 992.