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Sign the Open Letter: Super Funds have power to hold polluters to account


Is your super funding climate solutions or climate chaos?

News | 17 April 23

How your super fund can help solve the climate crisis

News | 21 April 22

Big chance for change

Commitments made around the world by countries and major companies to achieve net zero emissions are changing global markets forever. Public pressure from bank customers and super fund members has already started moving the money towards climate solutions. What's more, we can even move our biggest polluters through our banks and super funds.

Through them, anyone can be heard at the Annual General Meetings of fossil fuel companies, like Woodside and Santos. That's why it's important to tell financial institutions we hold money with that when it comes to saving the planet, we mean business!

It's time to value more than just what money can buy. Let's put people and our planet ahead of the profits of a few.

What role do banks and super funds play?

This is the decade we must shift from fossil fuels to renewables to create a thriving future for everything and everyone we love. What we choose to fund and invest in now is the future we create. 

The science is clear that to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees we cannot afford to continue drilling, mining and burning gas and coal. Our future is renewable, powered by Australia’s abundant natural resources of wind and solar. 

Australia’s banks and super funds have a unique ability to finance and invest in climate solutions for the future, and help Australia end its dangerous fixation with climate-wrecking fossil fuels.

But Australia’s banks are still pouring billions of dollars into climate-destroying new gas and coal projects when they should be cutting off that funding at the source and financing climate solutions instead. And our super funds are squandering their opportunity and responsibility as major investors and shareholders to drive down the emissions of fossil fuel companies by influencing business and board decisions and publicly holding big polluters to account for their climate pollution.

Some useful reading:

Nature is everyone's business
Business has a big role protecting nature and our climate
Forces for nature
The business drivers for protecting our living world
How we set a better course for people, communities and business

The community is calling on big banks and financial institutions to drive bold solutions to the climate crisis. Photo: Matt Hrkac

Why get involved?

Climate solutions like renewable energy, big batteries, electric cars and buses and green manufacturing are here and ready to take off. Our financial institutions should be investing in that future, not the fossil fuels that destroy our climate, create more frequent and extreme fires, floods, heatwaves, storms and droughts. 

Commitments made around the world by countries and major companies to achieve net zero emissions are changing global markets forever.

Public pressure from bank customers and super fund members has already started moving the money towards climate solutions. As the global economy is transformed and the financial sector’s awareness of climate risks grows, now is the time to ramp up public pressure on our banks and super funds to support a healthy future for the oceans, forests, wetlands, wildlife, people and communities we love.

Nature is everyone's business. We all rely on clean water, air and soil, a safe climate and a healthy planet.

We can renew our energy system so it's clean and renewable, and export Australian sunshine to the world

Moving dirty money out of politics

The Australian government also funds the climate crisis by subsidising coal and gas projects with public money.

Weak political donation laws make it all too easy for shady dealings between coal and gas companies and our elected officials to skew public policy in favour of these climate-wrecking industries – driven primarily by their own profits.

Currently, money talks in politics – way more than it should. But we can repair our democracy and put people and planet at the heart of politics. Learn more about securing a healthy and fair democracy that works for everyone, not just deep-pocketed big corporations.

Some useful reading:

Strengthen our democracy campaign page
Read more and take action

Take action


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Sign the Open Letter: Super Funds have power to hold polluters to account


Submission to the consultation on the Sustainable Finance Strategy

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