After years of ignoring communities, the science and even their own investors, Woodside's time is up and its board must be held to account.

The climate movement can stop our biggest Aussie-owned polluter by being heard at Woodside's Annual General Meetings (AGM) where chairman Richard Goyder and other decision-makers will be put to the test by shareholder votes! With the AGM coming up at the end of April, time is running out.

Funds are making their decisions right now, so don't miss this opportunity. 

Our superannuation funds are some of the biggest investors in fossil fuel companies like Woodside. So if you've got any money with an Australian super fund, you can use your voice as a member of the fund to ask them to announce their intention to vote against board directors who don't respond to climate damage that's here now.

HESTA is the first fund to take a stand against Woodside directors on climate grounds. They are showing the way that other funds can do the same. Tell your fund about it and ask them to use their power to put real pressure on climate-wreckers.

If you are a member of HESTA, you can instead send them a note of support.


Header image: Cape le grand national park, Western Australia. Photo: Jakub Maculewicz / Shutterstock