October 11, 2020
10am - 12pm
Martin Rady
· 419896648
Cnr Moreton Bay & Redland Bay Roads
Capalaba, QLD 4157
See Google map »
With more and more people understanding the importance of what could happen to the bay at Cleveland and how close the decision makers are to making decisions about the destruction of the bay more and more people are joining us.
Joining us because we are running out of time.. time to try bring awareness to others that really don't quite understand what is at risk.. time to let our representatives know that this is not what people in the Redland's want.
People who have never participated in roadside actions before are joining us because they want to try and change the outcome.. to save Cleveland Bay!
Join us for an hour or 2 hours.. what ever you can spare. The event is fully Covid safe with the use of masks and sanitiser where necessary.
We have some signs but if you have a particular message you want to convey feel free to bring your own.
We look forward to seeing you there!
ACF Community Bayside is part of a network of independently organised, volunteer-run groups in the ACF community. ACF will pass on your contact details to the host for the purpose of running the event.
It's up to all of us to slow the spread of COVID-19. Please stay home and do not attend this event if you feel unwell or if you are showing any COVID symptoms (fever, shortness of breath, flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat or fatigue). Additionally, do not attend the event if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or have had direct contact with an individual diagnosed with or suspected to have COVID-19 in the past 14 days. Stay up to date with public health guidelines from australia.gov.au.