
October 11, 2021
6pm - 7pm


Tessa Stevens


Online on Zoom

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October 11, 2021
6pm - 7pm


Tessa Stevens


Online on Zoom

We interrupt your broadcast to bring you this important message:

Record heat. Devastating floods. Raging bushfires. Climate damage is here, now, and our federal government is not doing nearly enough.

That’s why this October we’re aiming to get as many people as possible calling up mainstream radio stations calling for climate action now.

Talkback radio is enormously popular in Australia so it's a great way to reach millions of diverse listeners.

Political staffers often track talkback to see which issues are simmering or boiling over and how people are responding. It’s a fantastic way to get important issues noticed by decision makers – and call them to action.

Do you have the gift of the gab, are you an avid talkback listener or are you simply keen to try a new skill? Well caller, perhaps this action is for you.

We invite you to join our “How to call talkback radio” webinar, where you can:

  • Tune in for ACF Media Adviser Josh Meadow's industry knowledge and ACF Climate Program Manager Gavan McFadzean’s political brain
  • Learn how to broadcast your story for a diverse audience
  • Test your reception with mock interviews
  • Reset your dial for a list of key radio programs
  • Connect with other talkback callers this October

Want to step up and speak out for climate via the airwaves?

What: How to call talkback radio – webinar
When: Monday 11 October, 6-7pm AEDT (that’s a start time of 3pm in Western Australia, 4.30pm in Northern Territory, 5pm in Queensland, 5:30pm in South Australia)
Where: Online on Zoom – RSVP for the link 

Tune in, speak up, be heard.


Photo: Annette Ruzicka