Stop Adani: How do parties compare in the Batman by-election?

01 March 18

ACF statement on legal advice about stopping Adani coal mine

28 February 18

Legal advice given to ACF indicates there are clear options to review and if necessary revoke the federal environmental approval for the dirty Adani coal mine.

Polling reveals Australians support halting expansion of coal mining, including Adani, to stop climate change

01 February 18

Call the Labor Cabinet: Stop Adani's mine

We've stopped Adani's $1 billion loan!

19 December 17

Palaszczuk delivers Adani loan veto but fight not over

12 December 17

They tried to ignore us, but we were unstoppable, unmissable and irrepressible

07 December 17

Chinese embassy confirms to Bob Carr and Geoff Cousins that funding for Adani is off the table

06 December 17

No Chinese banking institution has made funding commitments to Adani for its dirty coal project

Tell your MP: All I want for Christmas is to #StopAdani!

Breaking news: Palaszczuk vetoes Adani loan!

03 November 17