Tell the Queensland government: Protect our water and stop Adani drilling

Adani prosecuted for coal pollution

05 September 18

Email the Queensland government: Don't extinguish W&J's native title!


Adani’s latest plan further weakens protections for our clean water

16 August 18

Adani’s latest plans represents a material weakening of protections for Queensland groundwater.

Adani must be held to account for environmental breaches

10 August 18

Until we stop its proposed coal mine, the health of our clean water and native species will be threatened by Adani’s reckless attitude.

Minister Ley: revoke approval for Adani’s mine

Adani has finance – what happens next?

20 July 18

Our elected representatives must stop Adani’s polluting coal mine as finance is reportedly secured

18 July 18

We will continue to organise against Adani’s dirty coal mine until it is stopped, and the Galilee Basin is closed for coal mining.


Submission to the Northern Galilee Water Scheme

13 July 18

Submission to the North Galilee Water Scheme Project EPBC Act referral.

Review of Adani’s Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem Management Plan for the Carmichael Mine

19 June 18

Stellar Advisory Services was engaged by the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) to undertake a review of Adani’s Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem Management Plan (GDEMP) for its Carmichael Mine. Tom Crothers is the Principal and Director of Stellar Advisory Services. Tom retired from the Queensland Public Service in 2011 after a 35-year career in natural resource management.