ACF versus the Environment Minister – our Adani court case explained

15 September 16

Licence to kill: Commonwealth approval for Adani’s Carmichael mine

12 September 16

A new report by the Australian Conservation Foundation and the Environmental Defenders Offices of Australia that finds the conditions the federal government set when it approved Adani’s Carmichael coal mine are woefully inadequate and will not protect the environment as claimed.

Weak conditions of approval for giant coal mine give Adani a ‘licence to kill’

12 September 16

Six years left until Australia reaches its climate pollution limit

09 September 16

European think tank says moves to increase export capacity, commission new coal mines and drill more gas wells are irreconcilable with Australia’s commitments as a signatory to the Paris Agreement.

Shine a light for the Reef tonight in Brisbane

30 August 16

Call your MP – speak out to reject the mine and protect the reef

De-funding ARENA would stifle solar jobs growth in Queensland

25 August 16

ACF research shows 2,700 jobs could be created in Queensland if 10 big solar projects receive funding.


Research on the potential for solar jobs in Queensland

24 August 16

Dear Minister Frydenberg – by ACF President Geoff Cousins

06 August 16

Greasing the Wheels: report lays bare Queensland mining companies’ extraordinary access to government

29 July 16