Humanity is consuming the planet’s renewable resources faster than they are being replenished, and scientists calculate that August 2 was Earth Overshoot Day; when year-to-date consumption had exceeded nature’s entire annual resources budget. This day will come earlier in future years because of rising population and per-capita consumption, two issues on which Australia is one of the worst offenders.
We are acting like the family that is spending more than their income, falling behind on their rent and trashing their home. Unless they heed their landlord’s warning, they will soon be evicted.
Nature is giving us ample warning. Our over-consumption is eroding the planet’s life-support systems, and we are sinking deeper into an ecological debt that will forever burden our children. If we continue to ignore this reality, the human family is on track to losing its only home. And unlike the spendthrift family, there is no alternative dwelling.