Dear Tanya Plibersek, Minister for the Environment and Water, I vehemently oppose Walker Corporation’s Toondah Harbour proposal because it is incredibly dangerous and destructive. Nature shouldn’t be used by a small group of people for their own profits – it’s for everyone, especially for the creatures from all over the world who make it their home. Reject Walker’s proposal, set a precedent for future environmental butchers and profiteers, and save the birds! Please preserve the internationally significant land for future generations. Once it’s gone, we can’t get it back, it’s gone forever. Think about that. Also, the Eastern Curlews are a priority bird identified in your own 10 year Threatened Species Action Plan, so don’t break a promise to your constituents. You’re the Minister for the Environment, not the Minister for Private Development. Thousands of Australians have marched in the streets, submitted public comments and signed petitions, all to save Toondah Harbour and the birds – please don’t ignore us! We need your help! Reject the proposal! Finally, how about you act on behalf of the environment for a change – that’s your job after all!