Please stand strong for our natural environment and the systems that support quality human life. Move forward together with our First Nations People following a successful ‘Yes’ Referendum and integrate their knowledge and understanding of this landscape and its systems into practical strategies that all aspects of Australian life, industry, production, horticulture/agriculture, social services, essential services, natural environmental systems conservation and protection, social justice and the economy can incorporate and include in all processes that are undertaken while working towards a truly sustainable future, moving away from our current reliance on fossil fuels and non-renewable energy sources.
Make sure that there are National Environmental Protection Laws that are applied with consistency across Australia with substantive financial and legal penalties for non-compliance, so that what is currently left of our natural environment is not further degraded and that large mature trees in cities and urban areas are given real protection with economic incentives for their preservation and maintenance of their long term vitality and health, which reflect the valuable contribution they are making to our health and well being by modifying local climates and sequestering and storing Carbon and other major pollutants that are damaging to human health and well-being. That is, by providing Environmental Benefits to us all, we cannot afford to continue to lose our large mature urban tree stock with urban infill often resulting in the complete removal of any large mature trees and constructions extending from boundary to boundary with no allowance for any green infrastructure in the new development blocks.
Protection of stands of local plant communities that provide essential habitat for all of our wildlife especially the threatened species is also critical. Development must not be allowed to continue to clear-fell/bulldoze all existing vegetation for new developments, urban and semi-rural.
We need to massively improve our city/urban green infrastructure if we hope to continue to have habitable city/urban areas for us to live in.
We are part of Nature and we need to respect and embrace that.