

Hold a meeting at your MP’s office
Ask your MP for a meeting. If you want to have a strong impact on your MP bring along your local friends, family and neighbours who care about this issue too. The more people in your electorate your MP hears from the better.

Organise a creative action outside your MP’s office
This is a great tactic if your MP won’t meet with you but also a great tactic to make your meeting big! Encourage local media to come along by calling them the day before to let them know what you are doing. If they can’t make it send them a few pictures and statements about what you did after your action.

Find out where your MP will be and turn up!
Are they on local radio? Call in and ask them not to fund Adani. Are they running a public town hall or speaking at a local community event? Show up and ask them to not fund Adani.

Run a coordinated phone in to your MP’s office
Hold a coordinated phone in. Get a bunch of people who live in your electorate together and jam your MP’s phone lines with calls about Adani. If you can’t get a big group together, get your friends together and pick alternate days to call your MP’s office.

Can’t visit your MP? Make sure they hear your message.
Invite your local friends, family and neighbours over and get them fired up about the issue then:

  • Each write a letter to your MP, or;
  • Take photos holding this sign and post it on your MP’s Facebook page


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