
July 21, 2022
1pm - 2pm


Tom Grindrod


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July 21, 2022
1pm - 2pm


Tom Grindrod


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The release of State of the Environment report has delivered shocking new evidence of the decline of nature in Australia.

This is a critical moment for us to understand the full picture across the country of damage to our environment, and to elevate the urgent need for bold action.

With the new Parliament sitting for the first time just seven days after the release of the report – and politicians watching media and public sentiment closely – join our online State of the Environment report briefing to:

  • Hear a detailed analysis of the State of the Environment report from ACF nature campaigners, highlighting what it means for your community and iconic places like Kakadu.
  • Discover the actions you can take to help lift the urgency of our elected representatives to solve the climate and extinction crises.

The five-yearly, expert State of the Environment report is incredibly detailed – thousands of pages long on themes including climate, biodiversity, coasts, inland water and heritage.

Join us to raise a powerful public conversation about the devastating decline of Australia’s incredible nature and wildlife, so that the newly elected or reelected MPs embrace the solutions we have to turn things around.


Photo credit: Forest regrowth after the 2019/2020 bushfires, Annette Ruzicka