May 17, 2022
8:30am - 10am
Front of Brisbane Convention Centre
Cnr Merivale St and Glenelg Street
Brisbane, QLD 4000
See Google map »
May 17, 2022
8:30am - 10am
Front of Brisbane Convention Centre
Cnr Merivale St and Glenelg Street
Brisbane, QLD 4000
See Google map »
We have an incredible opportunity to stand with communities already impacted by climate damage and voice our opposition to digging up and burning coal and gas.
Oil and gas industry executives are gathering in Brisbane for a national networking event. Premier Anastasia Palaszczuk and a Morrison Government Minister are attending.
Let's stand together and show our decision-makers that everyday people want responsible action to ramp up climate solutions like renewable energy – not more polluting coal and gas.
This will be a peaceful rally where we’ll hear from speakers on the frontlines of climate impacts, and how we can continue to work together to urge our governments to step up. It’s also a great way to meet others who care.
Incredible speakers representing many communities include: a psychologist, Tiwi Islander scientist, Gomeroi water and land defender, a union movement member and more.
APPEA stands for Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association. It is the peak national body for the oil and gas industry.
Join more than 20,000 people across Australia raising their voice with the Together We Can movement, so we can surround our next government with a cross-section of voices calling for climate solutions that slash pollution now!