All states and territories have made it mandatory for venues and events to use QR codes to check in their patrons/attendees as a measure to help prevent the spread of COVID19.
However, each state varies slightly on which type of events are required to use a QR code to check-in. This is usually dependent on the size and location of the event and the level of restrictions in place.
These requirements are constantly changing so it is important that you keep up to date with current guidelines when planning your event.
You can stay up to date on any changes to events requirements by visiting the below webpages:
If your community event is required to use a QR code, your community group will need to apply for a new QR code for every event that is held in a different location. This is because each QR code is assigned to a physical address so each location/venue of an event will require a separate registration and QR code.
Most license or organised venues/premises (eg. cinema, community hall, market etc.) would likely have their own QR codes and you will not need to apply for one. Always check with the management of the venue/premise to ensure that they have an approved electronic contact tracing system in place.