15,436 people
4,564 needed to reach 20,000

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The choices we make today will affect generations to come. What kind of future do we want?

Propping up fossil fuels or clean energy, climate solutions, resilient communities and a brighter future?

Every policy and funding decision today should lead us to the future we need. 

Climate and nature solutions can power an economic recovery that makes Queenslanders healthier and more resilient. We can power this country with clean, renewable energy and help communities transition to jobs with a future. 

We love a sun-powered Queensland. Beautiful one day. Renewable the next. Let’s power Queensland with sunshine.

Sign the petition, now.

We call on Premier Palaszczuk, Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese to work together to:


✔️ Create future-proof jobs across Australia

✔️ Make communities and nature healthier and more resilient

✔️ Upgrade our energy system to clean and renewable


Lock Australia into burning more coal, gas, and oil

Dismantle our environment protection laws

Allow deception and distraction on climate science and policy

How? We recommend 20 specific actions to deliver on this vision in our economic reform agenda, Recover, Rebuild , Renew: Let’s make things right for people and our country.