
November 09, 2024
12pm - 2pm


Amanda Chong


Bedford Park Community Garden
2 Rosewarne Ln
Bedford Park
Ringwood, VIC 3134
See Google map »

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November 09, 2024
12pm - 2pm


Amanda Chong


Bedford Park Community Garden
2 Rosewarne Ln
Bedford Park
Ringwood, VIC 3134
See Google map »

Connect with fellow nature lovers over a lovely picnic in the park and hear more about ACF's plan to put climate and nature at the top of the agenda for next year's Federal Election.

ACF's vision, that we know is shared by all Australians, are healthy and thriving ecosystems and a safer future for the next generations. But right now, our natural world is in crisis. Australia's extraordinary landscapes are being pillaged by unchecked habitat destruction and climate pollution. The time for our political leaders to take decision action is now!

We know that there are passionate individuals and communities all across the country who are doing their bit to protect nature and the planet every day. And we believe that when we bring those people together, we can have the biggest possible impact for nature and climate solutions.

That's why we're hosting this Picnic for Change! It'll be an awesome opportunity to meet other passionate people in your community, and to find out more about how you can help us call on all politicians and parties to save nature, champion renewables, reject nuclear and stop the climate wreckers.

Kids are welcome and we'd love their help painting our BIG banner of Australian threatened species, and enjoy other fun, family friendly craft activities. We'll have some snacks and nibbles available, and bring a plate to share if you can.

This event is open to people from all walks of life, no matter what your experience! If you’ve ever asked yourself, “What can I do to make a difference?", this is the perfect event for you!