ACF’s Living Legacy community recognises supporters who have decided to leave a gift in their will as a way of taking action for future generations.

Legacy leaders (bequest value $100,000+)

We thank our supporters who have arranged to leave a gift in their will to ACF. This will form a living legacy for nature and our planet. Our Legacy Leaders have advised us they are leaving a significant gift and we gratefully recognise them here.

We also thank all our Legacy Leaders who wish to remain anonymous.

Mr Stephen and Ms Janice Blakeney
Ms Rhonda B. Boyle
Dr Barbara Briggs
Ms Bronwyn Brown
Ms Jane Crouch
Mr David Fisher
Mr Kahn and Mrs Julie Franke
Mr Phillip Geschke
Ms Helen Gillam
Mr Andrew Griffiths
Mr Kym Hancock
Mrs Nina Hardie
Ms Margaret and Dr Grahame Hardy
Dr Jennifer Herrick
Ms Annelie Holden
Ms Sandy Jennings
Ms Valerie Johnstone

Mr Andrew and Mrs Clare Kavunenko
Ms Victoria King and Mr Paul Hudson
Ms Gail Kingsford and Mr James Newton
Professor Byron Lamont
Mr Harold Levien
Mr Bruce Lindenmayer OAM
Mr Neil and Mrs Pam McDonald
Mr Philip Morris
Mrs Ruth and Mr David Pfanner
Mr Frank Pierce
Mr James Richardson
Mr Geoffrey Shores
Mr Brian Snape
Mr Peter Timms and Mr Robert Dessaix
Mr Jack Trezise
Ms Laurel Tsang
Ms Merilyn Whimpey
Dr Judy Williams
Ms Patricia Williamsz

Gifts in memory

Thank you to those who made in-memory gifts to ACF. Your kind tribute is inspirational and acknowledges the importance placed by your loved ones, friends and colleagues in caring for nature. The following people have been honoured with gifts in memory.

Mr Rudolf Anders
Miss Helen Aston
Ms Margaret Boston
Mr Murray James Couper
Ms Ellen Alice Dawson
Ms Anne Fien
Mr Peter Harris
Mr Robert Lesslie

Dr Neil McKilligan
Ms Harriet McKnight
Ms Margaret Sim
Mrs Shirley Slatyer
Ms Winifred Parry
Mr Igor Van der Waerden
Ms Heidi Watson

Legacies living on

We acknowledge the supporters from whom we received a gift in their will this year, and we express our appreciation to their family and friends. These gifts are a testament of how important nature is to them and their legacy beyond their lifetime to support conservation.

Estate of Denis Ashton
Estate of Janet Brumley
Estate of Clarence Michael Burke
Estate of Margaret Bowman
Estate of Lorna Patricia Carroll
Estate of Denis Craney
Estate of Philippa Helen Currie
Estate of Ann Forbes
Estate of Raymond Forsyth
Estate of Roland Good
Estate of David John Gould
Estate of Alan Hall
Estate of Susan Elizabeth Hutchinson
Estate of Daryl Keeble

Estate of Michael Leonard Jones
Estate of Mavis Joyce Matthews
Estate of Christobel Rosemary Mattingely
Estate of Sylvia Monk
Estate of Rein Nittim
Estate of Trevor Norman Pound
Estate of Eleanor Putnam
Estate of Sheila Mary Rooke
Estate of Janet Ann Rover
Estate of Ian Sappay
Estate of Donald Boyce Taylor
Estate of Barbara Winkley
Estate of Brian Robert Hector Williams