It’s time to make our democracy fair for everyone.
Sign the open letter calling on our elected representatives to work together to get big money out of our political system and put people and planet back in.
Open letter
To our elected representatives,
We call on you to work together to get big money out of our political system and put people back in.
This means:
- Banning large donations to political parties and candidates.
- Increasing the transparency of political donations, including real time reporting of donations.
- Limiting expenditure at election times so corporations can’t use their oversized wallets to drown out our voices.
- Creating an independent watchdog to investigate and stamp out corruption.
- Stronger lobbying regulation and greater transparency so we know who’s meeting with our elected representatives and why.
Latest Supporters
An environmental future reliant on the needs and wants of the community will ensure a better future for the environment and ultimately all humanity. Bug companies influencing decision making simply because they spend money in political spheres will never recognise environmental impacts
the first government that removes money out of the politics truly supports democracy and aren’t in it for the money. A government who doesn’t remove it supports corruption and are climate denials
Australians should have the truth. It’s deceptive not knowing who is funding and what deals they do because of that.
The influence of big business in politics is toxic for democracy and for the long term interests of everyone and the planet.
I just want our environment to be healthy.
I think lobbying and large donations to political parties is wrong, as it encourages the people running our country to work for big corporations and not the people they are there to serve. While politicians will probably find ways around this by using their positions to benefit their own businesses and investments, the corruption of the last government, lobbying by fossil fuels and lack of media diversity in this country swaying public opinion in favour of the corrupt is disgusting to me and I would argue it goes against the principles of democracy. Our leaders shouldn’t be for sale
Corporations, multinationals and millionaires do not run a democracy….the people do.
Politics needs to be a contest of ideas, not money. The current state of affairs serves no one.
I am heartily sick of misinformation (what used to be known as lies) being pedalled during election campaigns along with the secret buying of influence or commitments by corporate interests and very wealthy individuals via donations to political parties.
ALSO: Please Legislate a Truth in Political Advertising bill. Something is seriously wrong when the advertiser of a vacuum cleaner is held to a higher standard of truthfulness than those seeking to enter our parliaments. Our democracy is precious and people losing faith in it via a lack of trust is only too real. Do something about it as a matter of urgency please.
Democracy should not be up for sale.
Banning large donations to political parties and candidates.
Our gov is for the people not money corporations,they should hv no persuasion over our laws or decisions so therefore run by Australians citizens made up of genuine caring people