26,592 people
3,408 needed to reach 30,000

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Australia must remain a nuclear-free country.

Nuclear energy and arms are not compatible with a clean future.

The Coalition's nuclear energy plan is light on detail but heavy with danger. It's a costly distraction from effective climate action that risks delaying – and even derailing – the sensible, considered and speedy transition to renewables that is already well underway and essential to protect the environment and safeguard our future.

To our representatives, we call on you to make Australia nuclear-free:

  • End uranium mining and exports, and clean up all old uranium mines;
  • Say no to nuclear power – it is high-risk, high-cost and a dangerous distraction from real climate solutions, like clean energy from the sun and wind;
  • Take a strong stand against nuclear weapons – this includes signing and ratifying the UN nuclear weapons ban treaty;
  • Manage radioactive waste transparently and responsibly.

The exaggerated claims being made by the latest round of nuclear promoters do not alter the evidence which clearly shows nuclear is the worst option for Australia. Promoting nuclear today will keep coal and gas burning for decades to come!

There are many reasons nuclear energy is not a viable alternative for Australia’s energy future:

  • It takes too long – on average, it takes about nine years to build a nuclear power station and another 10 years for planning and licensing. Effectively that means two decades between first idea and first power. These are the critical decades to immediately reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.
  • It’s dirty and dangerous – Nuclear power stations pose significant community, environment and health risks. Apart from the radioactive waste they generate, nuclear power stations run on uranium which, like coal and gas, is not a renewable resource.
  • It’s far more expensive than renewable options – Modelling shows developing nuclear infrastructure is 5-10 times more expensive than solar and wind. And even if the technology was in place, it would also cost more to produce.
  • It needs a lot of water – Nuclear reactors use tonnes of water per second to cool the reactors to produce electricity. This is unlike wind and solar which require little or no ongoing water use.
  • We have no proven options for managing long-term radioactive waste – All reactors create waste, and this is a growing and unresolved global management issue. For decades successive governments have tried to impose low and intermediate level waste dumps and stores, predominantly on First Nations lands, across multiple sites in Australia.

We must leave the uranium in the ground to keep our communities and the nature we rely on safe.

Let's get it right and make Australia nuclear-free.

Header image: Sea lions gather on the beach on the Eyre Peninsula. At the top of the Peninsula is Kimba, where the government is proposing to put a national radioactive waste site despite unanimous opposition from Barngarla Traditional Owners

Latest Supporters

I want Australia to be nuclear free. Our children will inherit many problems to solve, we can see this one coming, we have the choice to select an alternative path, more cheaply, easily and equitably. We owe it to our children to plan for the future, and leave them with a better world. I feel sure that Peter Dutton will not be planning for the nuclear waste dump to be located adjacent to HIS property.
Heather 2024-06-20 11:40:33 +1000
We do not need the problem of nuclear waste. This money could be better spent on renewables and job training to help transfer energy sector jobs.
Caroline 2024-06-20 11:40:24 +1000
Susanne 2024-06-20 11:40:24 +1000
Henrietta 2024-06-20 11:39:51 +1000
there must be a safer way to supply the needs of humans than that.
doreen 2024-06-20 11:39:39 +1000
Too costly,too dangerous ,not environmently friendly,a step backwards.
Lindy 2024-06-20 11:39:09 +1000
Elise 2024-06-20 11:38:51 +1000
Steve 2024-06-20 11:38:47 +1000
Stefanie 2024-06-20 11:38:11 +1000
Given the arguments against nuclear energy next to renewable, the only reason we are hearing about now it is zombie politics from the LNP and IPA. Renewables for the people!
Keil 2024-06-20 11:38:11 +1000
Liz 2024-06-20 11:37:31 +1000
Margaret 2024-06-20 11:37:14 +1000
Gregory 2024-06-20 11:37:08 +1000
Narelle 2024-06-20 11:37:07 +1000
Dennis 2024-06-20 11:37:04 +1000
Bryan 2024-06-20 11:37:01 +1000
I do not consent to nuclear power in Australia.
David 2024-06-20 11:36:32 +1000
I want a nuclear free future for next generations rather than burdening them with a climate disaster.
Megan 2024-06-20 11:36:31 +1000
I want Australia to be nuclear free because I don’t want us to leave contaminated nuclear waste for our children and great great great great great grandchildren to clean up.
Zaita 2024-06-20 11:36:15 +1000
Elisabeth 2024-06-20 11:35:23 +1000
Renewables not nuclear a clear winner for future generations.
Vince 2024-06-20 11:34:57 +1000
I agree that it is a proposal that keeps coal and gas firing our energy needs for decades whilst this costly alternative is implemented. Climate change is here now and seriously affecting our world. We CANNOT allow anything that continues to denigrate our planet any further. All forms of life are under threat currently and I cannot condone anything that does not actively work towards alleviating carbon in our atmosphere.
Margaret 2024-06-20 11:34:54 +1000
Jessica 2024-06-20 11:34:43 +1000
This issue was dealt with years ago, Dutton raising it now is pure and simple a pre – election DISTRACTION. Hoping to take the focus off the DISASTER we suffered over the past decade of NLP Power let loose.
Alecia 2024-06-20 11:34:27 +1000
We need action now not in another 20 years. We are the perfect country for wind and solar. Nuclear is a fantasy and will never happen.
Heather 2024-06-20 11:34:18 +1000
Scillio 2024-06-20 11:34:15 +1000
Are people kidding us?? On what grounds can this conceivably be a vaguely good idea? Environmental degradation, First Nations abuse, National security concerns. Catastrophe on every level. When will Australia use its brain in this regard? Please make it now. Please make it now that everyone comes to their senses.
Catherine 2024-06-20 11:34:00 +1000
Jo 2024-06-20 11:33:57 +1000
It’s highly expensive for both customers and countries, is unpredictable – and getting rid of the waste is a big problem. There are other reasons also leading to many countries who had it
giving up on it
John 2024-06-20 11:33:43 +1000
Irene 2024-06-20 11:33:24 +1000