Newspaper ads signal an increased push in the campaign urging Environment Minister Greg Hunt not to re-approve Adani’s proposed Carmichael coal mine.

A coalition of environment groups will run ads in two major newspapers this Friday.

Following a legal challenge by Mackay Conservation Group, the Federal Court last week set aside the government’s approval of Adani’s controversial proposal to dig a massive coal mine in Queensland’s Galilee Basin.

Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt is now reviewing his approval of the mine.

“This is a major test for Mr Hunt as Minister for the Environment,” said ACF President Geoff Cousins.

“Adani’s Carmichael mine would be the biggest coal mine in Australia.

“If it goes ahead it will destroy wildlife habitat, damage scarce outback groundwater and contribute to the world’s climate problem when the coal is burned.

“Minister Hunt approved the mine without properly considering the impact it would have on two endangered species – the yakka skink and the ornamental snake.

“The Federal Court has now overturned the approval and the Minister has a chance to correct his mistake.

“He has new information before him that wasn’t in his possession when the first decision was made,” Mr Cousins said.

“Our newspaper ads the question: Is Greg Hunt the Minister for the Environment, or the Minister Against the Environment?”

The ads are being run by ACF, Mackay Conservation Group, the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, the Australian Marine Conservation Society, the Wilderness Society, Seed, Greenpeace and GetUp.

ACF Media Enquiries

Journalists with enquiries may contact Josh Meadows on 0439 342 992.