Special exemptions from water rules for mining companies must be scrapped

06 June 18

Federal funding for Great Barrier Reef to fall short of 2020 commitments

05 June 18

Public spotlight needed on Kakadu uranium clean-up

05 June 18

Territory and national environment groups have called for public scrutiny and input into Energy Resources Australia’s (ERA) new report detailing plans for the clean up the Ranger uranium mine site in Kakadu.

"Aboriginal people feel lost without their rivers"

29 May 18

AGL confirms polluting Liddell coal plant will close in 2022

21 May 18

Alpha North Coal Mine Project, Galilee Basin

21 May 18

Submission to the Alpha North Coal Mine Project EPBC Act Referral. 

Analysis: Revoking Adani’s environmental approvals would not raise sovereign risk

21 May 18

Stopping Adani's coal mine and sovereign risk: Analysis by economist Saul Eslake

21 May 18

Would actions by an Australian Government to stop the Adani Carmichael mine from proceeding constitute an increase in Australian 'sovereign risk'?