Turnbull’s first Budget continues the environmental neglect of his predecessor

03 May 16

In his first budget, Malcolm Turnbull has chosen the interests of big polluters over those of the community, the Australian Conservation Foundation said.

Australia is fast becoming the land of ghost mines

02 May 16

Australia is becoming a land of ghost mines – where companies that have profited from the mining boom are abandoning old depleted mine sites without taking responsibility for their environmental impacts, writes Hannah Aulby


We love a sun-powered country

02 May 16

Carpe diem! Government moves to control notorious fish

01 May 16

The Australian Conservation Foundation has welcomed the announcement by ministers Barnaby Joyce and Christopher Pyne of funding to prepare for the release of a carp-specific herpes virus in the Murray-Darling Basin to control the notorious feral fish.


Habitat May 2016

01 May 16

Share your pledge on social media

30 April 16

Forum of prominent Australians to prepare roadmap for a clean energy transition

29 April 16

National radioactive waste search: one site, limited vision

29 April 16

Federal Resources Minister Josh Frydenberg’s decision to short-list a single site in SA’s Flinders Ranges as a possible home for Australia’s radioactive waste is disturbingly familiar to past failed federal approaches, the Australian Conservation Foundation said.