Tony Abbott standing in the way of renewable energy jobs
20 May 15
THE closure of the Anglesea coal-fired power plant is a sign of the times we are living in, writes Victoria Mckenzie-McHarg
Indian uranium sales plan under the spotlight in Melbourne
18 May 15
Sad day for the climate as politicians agree to cut RET
18 May 15
No yellow cake for India
18 May 15
The Federal parliament's Joint Standing Committee on Treaties moves to Melbourne this week taking evidence from groups concerned about security, safety and environmental impacts, writes Dave Sweeney
Ten reasons why burning native forests for electricity should not be included in the RET
15 May 15
New infrastructure fund for northern Australia could become ‘Dirty Energy Finance Corp’
13 May 15
By ACF's Tristan Knowles
Budget chooses big polluters over community
12 May 15
Changes to Aboriginal Heritage Act threaten Aboriginal sacred sites in WA
12 May 15
Ancient Indigenous rock art on the Burrup Peninsula in WA has been de-registered it as a sacred site, writes Wade Freeman