Improvements to funding bill welcomed by charities

15 November 18

Silencing civil society would disastrously weaken democracy in Australia.


Great Artesian Basin Strategic Management Plan

14 November 18

Submission on the Great Artesian Strategic Management Plan; specifically focussed on the emerging threats facing the Great Artesian Basin from coal mining.


Underwriting New Generation Investments

14 November 18

Submission in response to the Commonwealth government's consultation paper: Underwriting New Generation Investments.

ACF Community webinar November 2018 - view recording

13 November 18

ACF welcomes National Heritage listing for Cape York rock art galleries

10 November 18

Major Adani update

02 November 18

Nearing decision on polluting Adani coal mine a major test for our elected representatives

01 November 18

Out of control climate change in Cook: Hotter, drier and winter no more

30 October 18

Climate data modelling shows that by 2050 communities in the federal electoral division of Cook would be markedly hotter, on average 15 per cent drier and experience more periods of extreme heat because of high global emissions.