BREAKING NEWS: Adani did what?!

12 September 18

Leaked review reveals Queensland is failing threatened species

11 September 18

WATCH: Climate election strategy digital town hall

07 September 18

Join or host a calling party

07 September 18

Fast-tracking extinction: Australia's national environmental law

07 September 18

An area of threatened species habitat larger than the state of Tasmania has been destroyed in just 17 years.


ACF's 2018 National Agenda

07 September 18

The majority of Australians expect our government to lead with a plan to protect nature and stop climate damage. ACF’s National Agenda is this plan. It outlines ten actions a good government would take to create a better Australia, for everyone, and every living thing.

Threatened species habitat the size of Tasmania destroyed since environment law enacted

07 September 18

Review of the National Pollutant Inventory

06 September 18

Submission to the review of the National Pollutant Inventory