
2017-18 Pre-Budget Submission to the Department of the Treasury

14 February 17

2017-18 Pre-Budget Submission to the Department of the Treasury


Inquiry into the retirement of coal-fired power stations

14 February 17

Submission to the Senate Environment and Communications References Committee inquiry into the retirement of coal-fired power stations.


Commonwealth Marine Reserves Management Plan Review

14 February 17

Submission: Commonwealth Marine Reserves Management Plan Review


Credible pathways to a 50% renewable energy target for Queensland

14 February 17

Submission to the Queensland Renewable Energy Expert Panel on Credible pathways to a 50% renewable energy target for Queensland Draft Report.

Australia/Ukraine uranium deal – because Fukushima turned out so well

14 February 17

Qld, Vic and SA oppositions stuck in past century on energy

13 February 17

History will not be kind to this government and its coal obsession

10 February 17

A responsible global citizen would not sell uranium to Ukraine

07 February 17