Approval of Adani coal port expansion flies in the face of IPCC’s climate warning
11 October 18
Runaway climate change in Wentworth: New extreme summer seasons would become the norm
10 October 18
ACF Community October webinar - View recording
09 October 18
IPCC Special Report on 1.5 Degrees shows we must urgently transition from fossil fuels
08 October 18
FAQ: The IPCC report on limiting global warming to 1.5oC
04 October 18
This briefing addresses some frequently asked questions about limiting warming to 1.5°C, and explains some of the key issues that will be covered by the IPCC’s latest report.
Release of pollution data must be made independent after persistent interference
04 October 18
The responsibility for the preparation and release of Australia’s emissions data should be given to one of our well-equipped independent bodies working on climate change.
Australia’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory – climate pollution still rising
01 October 18
In the year to March 2018 Australia’s emissions increased 1.3%.