Report: Adani’s groundwater ecosystem management plan is totally inadequate
19 June 18
The Adani company would be able to avoid proper scrutiny of the impact of its proposed coal mine on groundwater, an independent review has found.
ACF Community June webinar - View recording
14 June 18
Queensland LNP leader’s commitment to a “future without coal” a positive step
14 June 18
Queensland is also blessed with some of the world’s best wind and solar resources.
Adani's new water works must be subject to proper assessment under environmental law
13 June 18
Adani’s proposal to construct water infrastructure must be subject to a full and rigorous assessment under environmental laws.
WWF & ACF: “We could be charged with espionage for doing our job”
08 June 18
Minister Frydenberg must protect our alpine wilderness following reckless NSW feral horse bill
08 June 18
Minister Frydenberg could fast-track a threat abatement plan under national environment law to stop damage from feral horses.
Federal implications of the NSW Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Bill 2018
07 June 18
The NSW bill will ensure damage from feral horses on the sensitive alpine environments of Kosciuszko National Park continue and increase, despite the numerous threatened species and rare ecosystems that call the park home.
Special exemptions from water rules for mining companies must be scrapped