Download Australia’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory September 2018 – pollution levels on the rise under the Coalition 28 February 19
Download ACF Comment: Clearing of vegetation and associated agricultural activity at Kingvale Station, Cape York Peninsula 27 February 19 Clearing 2100 hectares at Kingvale Station is likely to have a significant impact on up to ninethreatened species.
Emissions reduction fund pays Rio Tinto to burn polluting diesel 26 February 19 The crediting of this project is further evidence there are significant structural problems with the emissions reduction fund.
Funding of Gold Fields gas project reveals more major flaws in emissions reduction fund 25 February 19
Government asleep at the wheel while more scientists highlight climate change impact on Murray-Darling 22 February 19
Australia’s biggest coal producer can’t escape climate reality – the Morrison Government shouldn’t either 21 February 19
Academy of Science’s Murray-Darling review sounds another warning about the need for urgent change 18 February 19