October 19, 2021
6:30pm - 8pm
Tania Kromoloff
Koala Tavern - Capalaba
36-40 Moreton Bay Rd
Capalaba, QLD 4157
See Google map »
October 19, 2021
6:30pm - 8pm
Tania Kromoloff
Koala Tavern - Capalaba
36-40 Moreton Bay Rd
Capalaba, QLD 4157
See Google map »
You don’t want to miss the final Movies That Matter of the year!
Tuesday 19, October we showcase three short films and welcome a panel of four outstanding creatives who focus their creative output to activate social and environmental change.
ACF is a non-partisan environmental organisation and does not endorse specific political candidates or political party. We welcome Cr Sri as a speaker because he participated in two of the films and actively supports local filmmakers to tell a story about community connection.
Featured Short Films are:
Mycelium and urban food uprising: is about creating food resilient neighbourhoods in times of crisis. Inspired by a global network of garden activists, the film means to reshape perceptions of our communal relationship with food, local politics and land ownership. This is the first collaborative short film by Christine Schindler and Nathan Gibson. The project was supported by the office of Councillor Jonathan Sri.
Connect with Community: Food Forests and Orchards. This short film by Gavin Hardy is about his passion and expertise in creating innovative public green spaces for community and nature connection. Gavin feels there is an innate urning for people to connect with their environment. In times of crisis, like the Covid lockdown, people turn to nature to connect with community.
Abbot Point Wetlands and Adani: this a short film by Green Peace videographers highlights the impact of Adani mine on the wetlands behind Abbot Point. Dumped dredge to expand the port for the coalmine is devastating the wetlands and wildlife. This video is relevant to Toondah Harbour wetlands and wildlife if the Walker Development proceeds.
Tickets: Tickets are limited, $10 each - for bookings go to: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/.../movies-that-matter...
Contact: Tania 0419 721 549 [email protected]
This is a Covid safe event with food and drinks available from the bar.