Dear Graham,
As constituents of Moreton, we ask you to table a Private Member’s Motion in the House of Representatives drawing attention to growing opposition within the community to the proposed Adani coal mine in the Galilee Basin of Central Queensland.
We believe the Carmichael mine should not go ahead because of the environmental damage it will cause to the Great Barrier Reef and our climate, and because of serious doubts about its economic feasibility.
We also strongly believe that funds from the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility should not by loaned to Adani Group to finance the construction of a rail link from the Galilee Basin to the Abbot Point coal port.
Because of the growing threat posed by climate change, Australia should be moving rapidly towards renewable energy. We support a just transition for existing coal communities, but the world is moving on and it’s clear there should no new coal mines or coal-fired power stations.
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There is no justification for a government subsidy to this venture, even if it was not so harmful to the environment.
Hope you make a very strong and unambiguous statement that the Adani mine proposal will be an ecological and economic disaster for not only the state, but the country as a whole.
There will be robotic/computerised workers- look at the diminished workforce operating the big Pit in Kalgoorlie.
Dear Graham,
Allowing the Adani mine to go ahead is a very shortsighted response to the need for jobs. It will further dispossess the Wangan and Jagalingou people from their land and ancestral sites, through human error it risks irreparable environmental damage to the reef and to groundwater and it will contribute to an already critical warming of the atmosphere with all the attendant weather extremes. The Adani project just doesn’t make economic sense in the longer term. But providing incentives for greater investment in renewables with jobs and re-training for opportunities does. Please take some leadership in this debate and speak out against the Carmichael mine.
Yours sincerely
Patricia Edmunds
Stop Adana wrecking the earth.
Dissapointing to see Labor Qld supporting this project so I guess we can only see token resistance from you.
Australia needs to start thinking in terms longer than the election cycle – let’s show some guts and plan for Australia’s long term future and best interests.
The future is NOT coal!!!!
Stop Adani. This should not go ahead
Mining destroys communities, inflates prices and causes damage to the environment that we don’t even know about. Ignore the lies and vote against it!