60L Conference Room, ACF Office
60 Leicester St
Carlton, VIC 3053
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Will you join us at our National Agenda workshop to help shape how we communicate our policy asks ahead of the federal election?
As a member of the ACF community, you have stepped up and spoken out for nature and our civic right to a thriving democracy. You’re connecting with friends, neighbours and community members about why our living world matters.
We would like to extend a special invitation to you to contribute your ideas to our strategy for creating change at the next federal election. Lunch is provided!
Every federal election, ACF pushes all political parties to make strong policy commitments for our forests, rivers, reefs and wildlife through our National Agenda – our platform of policy demands on all our campaigns. Check out our last National Agenda, which pushed our elected representatives to commit to 60 additional policy commitments to protect the web of life.
At the workshop, you will:
We don’t know exactly when the next federal election will be. But we need more than ever to be prepared so we can advocate to protect our living world. At this critical time in history, we need to build a huge election campaign to push for strong environmental policies.
Please join us to play your part in creating political change.