“This is significant new information about how a mining company has sought to manipulate our laws for their own gain, at the expense of Australia’s native wildlife."
ACF has written to Federal Environment and Energy Minister calling on him to revoke Adani’s approval following revelations that proposed environmental offsets for Adani’s coal mine are fundamentally flawed.
Legal advice from the Environmental Defenders Office Queensland indicates the new information is grounds for cancelling the entire approval. The letter is available on request.
The original analysis, completed by scientific experts in the black-throated finch recovery team and backed by Birdlife Australia, has highlighted how Adani gamed the system.
“The Turnbull Government has signed off on a project that will help send a species extinct. It must reverse the decision,” said ACF campaigner Basha Stasak.
“ACF will be looking at what this new information means for the approval of the mine and will be evaluating all potential legal options.
“Australia is sadly a world leader when it comes to species extinction, and this government is intent on making the problem worse.
“These dodgy figures dramatically underestimate the impact of the mine on an endangered species and significantly reduced the amount of land Adani had to provide compensate for its impacts.
“What is clear is that this mine will clearly have an unacceptable impact on the black-throated finch.
“Everywhere you look Adani has cut corners in a desperate bid to get this mine up.
“This is significant new information about how a mining company has sought to manipulate our laws for their own gain, at the expense of Australia’s native wildlife.
“The government has clearly underestimated the impacts of the mine on the black-throated finch and made significant error in accepting these assumptions.”