Hosting a Planet A Action Hour is a great way to bring people together who you know – or suspect – care deeply about climate change.
Think about people you’ve had conversations with, or who have engaged with content you’ve shared on social media. Make a list of people you’d like to approach, then contact them individually to ask if they would:
You’ll likely be pleasantly surprised by people’s responses! We know the vast majority of people in Australia want better climate action, but many don’t know how what to do about it – so an invitation from someone they trust is a great way to get involved.
Sample message to invite others: Hi <name>, hope you are well. Have you heard about the new ABC program ‘Fight for Planet A’? It’s about climate change, and I’m hoping to get a few people together after watching the first episode to debrief and take action together. I’ve got some resources from the Australian Conservation Foundation that can guide us in making a difference on these issues. Would you be interested in watching the show, then coming along to my ‘Planet A Action Hour’?