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Green Bankers is a community of like minded professionals like you, who want to work for a bank that cares about people and the planet. We want to change the narrative, because we can care for our planet and generate returns at the same time.
Green Bankers will help people like you talk about climate at work and prepare for a zero carbon economy. We’ll provide you with tailored resources, invites to free seminars with pioneers of sustainable investment plus the opportunity to rub shoulders and network with the future leaders of a green economy.
Green Bankers, a joint effort of The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) and Work For Climate (WFC), seeks to bring like minded professionals together to learn, network and advocate for the future of banking in Australia.
The solutions to the challenges of climate change exist, here and now. Green bankers advocate for investment into the technologies of the future, because we can protect nature and economic growth.
Green Bankers believe that:
Capital can be a force for nature, while still stimulating economic growth and generating returns.
Nature must be a stakeholder in our decision making.
Banks, as the managers of massive amounts of capital, are a necessary partner in our energy transition.