12,353 people
2,647 needed to reach 15,000

Add your name to the petition

Australia’s plants and animals are under threat. Our combined voices can protect them.

We have one of the worst records on extinction in the world. 56 more Australian species have just been added to the international red list of threatened species –bringing the total to 1,830 Australian species in danger!

The nature crisis is global. Habitat destruction is threatening Tasmanian Devils and Sumatran tigers alike with extinction. The Great Barrier Reef is collapsing, so is the Amazon.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek can make Australia a global leader for nature – but they have to show up.

This means attending the 15th conference to the parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) in Montreal in December, and advocating for strong global nature goals that unite and hold governments and business accountable worldwide to protect and restore the natural world that sustains us.

Sign the petition calling on the federal government to:

Lead on ambitious global goals for nature to halt and reverse biodiversity destruction and achieve a Nature Positive world by 2030 at COP15.

That means championing clear and measurable goals and targets, backed by domestic commitments to:

  • End extinction and recover threatened species
  • Restore the ecosystems we’ve already degraded
  • Embed the value of nature in all government and business decision-making
  • Recognise Indigenous rights and stewardship
  • Protect at least 30% of the planet’s land and oceans.

Want to understand more about how global goals for nature will help Australia's own endangered plants and animals? Read our blog from Nathaniel Pelle, ACF's Business and Biodiversity Campaign Lead, then sign the petition and invite friends and family to add their names too!

Header photo: Jean-Paul Ferrero/AUSCAPE

Latest Supporters

Colin 2023-05-17 16:31:16 +1000
It’s so important to preserve our beautiful and unique ecosystem before it’s too late, we have time to save it and if we sit around and wait it’ll be a devastating blow to not only animals but the human race.
Simone 2023-05-15 11:15:44 +1000
Ambitious global goals for nature are needed now. We cannot afford to lose any more species. The impact humans are having on the environment is huge, and climate change is going to wreak more havoc.
Marilyn 2023-05-14 23:27:54 +1000
John 2023-05-14 22:31:55 +1000
Donna 2023-05-14 12:50:23 +1000
More resources for endangered species.
Tammy 2023-05-14 10:08:54 +1000
Jill 2023-05-13 16:04:40 +1000
Let’s be guided by a nurturing nourishing beauteous Mother Earth 🌏
Marion 2023-05-12 05:02:42 +1000
I want all countries to support wildlife corridors
Connie 2023-05-09 10:04:14 +1000
Simone 2023-05-07 16:03:04 +1000
Sue 2023-05-07 14:23:53 +1000
I’ve seen a pair of glossy black cockatoo in my area never seen before a magnificent bird I want every thing possible to be done to help increase there habitat
Thanks Bruce
Bruce 2023-05-06 08:00:39 +1000
T 2023-05-05 09:21:57 +1000
As a volunteer on the Beach-nesting Birds project and other nature related projects I see the need for stronger nature laws on a daily basis. Its the same the world over. Please be a strong voice in Montreal in December at COP15
Kerry 2023-05-02 20:40:29 +1000
Makayla 2023-05-02 01:33:11 +1000
Please take urgent action to preserve the habitat for endangered species. A good starting point would be to intervene in the proposed Toondah Harbour Marina development in order to protect the Eastern Curlew.
Adrian 2023-04-26 18:12:00 +1000
It’s our responsibility.
Sarah Jane 2023-04-26 13:39:56 +1000
Mj 2023-04-25 07:06:04 +1000
Emma 2023-04-20 15:22:44 +1000
Cara 2023-04-20 10:28:23 +1000
Because where I live I see this happening. Development without consideration of wildlife and the eco-system in the area. It’s awful how money to developers sordid louder then hundred of years of nature
Jennifer 2023-04-16 17:51:01 +1000
Judith 2023-04-16 12:06:32 +1000
We have lost too many species already.
Philip 2023-04-15 06:56:10 +1000
We’ve already lost too much!
Matt 2023-04-14 16:39:38 +1000
Why should human selfishness to improve our living be at the detriment of nature… How about we learn to adapt instead of destroying this planet
Helen 2023-04-14 06:16:19 +1000
Hanita 2023-04-14 05:40:40 +1000
We have lost so much of our biodiversity, let’s not loose anymore
Alf 2023-04-13 11:16:39 +1000
Environmental protection laws need to be strengthened! For a country with so many unique species, we have one of the worst extinction rates. This is unacceptable! Local initiatives aren’t enough we need strict policy.
Jake 2023-04-13 11:11:37 +1000
Wendy 2023-04-13 09:56:46 +1000
Kate 2023-04-12 22:08:38 +1000