Burning coal and gas fuels climate destruction, making Australia’s fire seasons start earlier and last longer – and putting the people and places we love in more danger with less time to prepare.
These disasters will only get worse until we rapidly cut climate pollution. The Australian Government must do more to protect people, not polluters.
While communities and koala populations battle unnatural blazes this summer, our government has just approved four new coal mine expansions!
Since the 2019/20 Black Summer bushfires, our governments have handed over $50 billion in public money to support the fossil fuel industry. Dirty coal and gas polluters make mega profits while everyday Australians pick up the bill from climate disasters – from lives lost to holidays cancelled to spiralling insurance, grocery and energy bill costs.
Sign the petition now to demand our government stop the climate wreckers.
Petition demands
"To the Prime Minister, Energy Minister, Environment Minister and Treasurer:
End coal and gas in Australia to ramp up climate action. That means:
- This decade, replacing existing coal, gas and uranium exports with a renewable-powered exports industry and climate-positive careers for communities
- No new coal and gas projects or infrastructure
- Stop spending public money on the fossil fuel industry – fund climate solutions instead."
Latest Supporters
There is a climate crisis as you well know. Religious organisations are committed to enhancing the wellbeing of people and planet, and in this case that means phasing out coal and gas, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and making a just transition to renewable sources of energy. This is urgent. Please act now.
Coal and Gas use MUST End urgently. Nearly all scientist are pleading with countries to please listen to them or all living things on this planet will perish. Your Grandchildren will hate you for not acting appropriately.
I’m here to end Australian coal and gas mining and production, for the generation of my children to be a bright future.
Simply, I want to survive
Because the planet doesn’t deserve to be destroyed by human greed and incompetence
I want Australia to end fossil fuels use because it harms the environment. The earth is our home and we must protect.
I want Australia to stop its use of coal and gas as it results in climate change which is leading to catastrophic fires, floods, cyclones and hurricanes around the world. I am worried about the long term consequences for my children, their families and grandchildren
I want to see the rest of the world understand and participate positively to end climate change now so that my children and everyone else’s won’t be given responsibility of a planet where our only contribution was that we killed it for them.
There is nothing more important than climate change at the moment. Without a liveable planet, the economy will not matter. Please show some bravery and implement some policies that will help the climate and the environment
These fuels are killing us and every other living thing on what is probably the only planet in the universe with intelligent life. Well, sometimes intelligent.
I want Australia to stop coal and gas fuel mining because it is destroying the future of our country and we should instead invest in cleaner, greener energy sources. STOP NOW
I want Australia to end coal and gas and reduce emissions because I am scared for my future.
I want Australia to end harmful coal and gas industry and transition to a renewable future without delay
We need to save the earth for future generations . Our children’s children need a clean planet to survive and enjoy their life .
We do not know what a simple electron looks like or made of so how can we possibly understand how more complex automic structures will affect us. We are absolutely entering dynamics we have no understanding.