
April 05, 2025
10am - 12:30pm


Amanda Chong
Email · 0421762921


Donvale, Exact location TBC
Melbourne, VIC
See Google map »

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April 05, 2025
10am - 12:30pm


Amanda Chong
Email · 0421762921


Donvale, Exact location TBC
Melbourne, VIC
See Google map »

Do you want to get active for strong nature protection and urgent climate action ahead of the next federal election?

Then join us for lunch, training then about an hour of doorknocking & letterboxing in the federal electorate of Deakin.

Research shows that speaking to people face-to-face is one of the most effective things we can do to get them to take action, and it's one of the most powerful ways you can contribute in this election period. 

At the last doorknock I was part of, I was nervous! I was worried people would be hostile and that I would fumble over my words. I discovered something surprising and empowering though, which is that way more people care than I'd ever realised. Most people were just unsure how they could make a difference, or didn't trust their ability to help make change. And even the ones who weren't interested were polite. I ended the day revitalised and energised by the great chats we had had and the difference I know myself and volunteers had made that day through simple conversations. 

If you've never been doorknocking before, have no fear – we got you covered! We will get together before we start and walk you through everything you need to know about what makes a good, quick & impactful door-knock conversation. We will learn together, and have some fun, too.

And at the end of our session, we'll regroup and have a quick debrief to share our learnings. We will have both made an impact and also heard what this community thinks about nature protection, climate change, renewable energy and more.

We promise you a very safe and welcoming space, and you will be part of a team at all times. It's a great way to not only make a difference in your community, but also a wonderful way to meet new people who are passionate about protecting our environment.

So please do join us, spread the word and bring your friends, too. Whether you are coming with pals or by yourself, we promise to make you feel very welcome. 

I hope you can join us!