
July 16, 2020
6:30pm - 8:30pm


Tessa Fluence


Zoom: https://acf.zoom.us/j/98114201040

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July 16, 2020
6:30pm - 8:30pm


Tessa Fluence


Zoom: https://acf.zoom.us/j/98114201040

A healthy democracy is vital to solving many of the challenges we face – from climate breakdown to racism to inequality. But right now, people in Australia and around the world have low trust in government. 

How can we tell stories to revitalise our democracy and the faith people place in it?

How can we overcome corrosive stereotypes around what government is and how politics can and should work?
How can we make a compelling case for democratic reforms that curb corporate influence – without reinforcing the dominant stories that politics is broken?

To find our how to talk effectively about these issues, ACF lead a research project with allies from across civil society.

We've dug into Australian and international social research, analysed the language dominant voices use and done qualitative and quantitative research. 

We'd love to share everything we discovered with you – join us for a practical, interactive online workshop to explore the dominant stories and how together we can change them.