February 08, 2020
9:30am - 1pm
Martin Rady
· 419896648
Thanks for your continuing support on our campaign to Save Toondah Harbour.
I would like to invite you to another workshop on Saturday 8 February at 10 Noeleen St Capalaba
At this workshop, run by ACF and Birdlife Australia, you will be updated on the campaign, and learn new skills on how to have more informed and persuasive conversations within your own community, and in the Redlands.
Some of you came our first workshop on 7 December, thank you. Our plan is to continue on with our short surveys in the community at markets, shopping centres and on the street. We have had great success in spreading the word since our last workshop.
With a few tools and tactics and a team of fellow volunteers, you will be a critical part of winning this campaign, and it is winnable!
Redlands City residents deserve to know the facts about what is planned for Toondah Harbour. Leading up to Redlands City Council elections on the 28 March, we will be out in the community having conversations about why this place is so special and worth protecting. Will you join us?
We will be meeting at 10 Noeleen st Capalaba on the 8 February from 9:30am - 1pm. Morning tea and lunch will be included.
By joining in, you will be standing together with the local community who not only love the natural beauty and values of Toondah Harbour, but also have real concerns about how the development will change what they love most about living in the Redlands.
We look forward to seeing you.
Thank you
Martin Rady
041 989 6648