To the Queensland government,
From droughts to bushfires, Queenslanders are living with the impacts of climate damage here and now.
Queensland can be a leader in clean energy. We could be powering our homes, our towns and our economy with good energy and new jobs, powered by the wind and the sun.
If Queenslanders own our clean energy, we can create thousands of jobs we can be proud of and bring down power prices.
We are calling on you to make public investment in big renewable projects a priority, and act now to:
- Get on with climate action: set stronger pollution reduction targets, and rapidly replace coal-fired power with clean energy
- Build publicly-owned renewables, starting construction of at least one large project by mid-2020.
- Plan and fund a fair transition for workers in the energy sector.
Let's get on with it!
Latest Supporters
Please don’t be swayed by the climate deniers in the Murdoch press.
A failure to acknowledge the jobs lost due to climate change has no been given any airtime. Yet Qld has suffered severe job losses in Tourism in FNQ from floods and extreme cyclones, as well as the ret of the state via drought and recently by fires in the SE. All the science says we need to URGENTLY use of fossil fuels, coal oil and gas. reduce
Time has run out we all need to act NOW.
About time the Qld govt got their act together. It is in everybody’s interest.