To the Queensland government,
From droughts to bushfires, Queenslanders are living with the impacts of climate damage here and now.
Queensland can be a leader in clean energy. We could be powering our homes, our towns and our economy with good energy and new jobs, powered by the wind and the sun.
If Queenslanders own our clean energy, we can create thousands of jobs we can be proud of and bring down power prices.
We are calling on you to make public investment in big renewable projects a priority, and act now to:
- Get on with climate action: set stronger pollution reduction targets, and rapidly replace coal-fired power with clean energy
- Build publicly-owned renewables, starting construction of at least one large project by mid-2020.
- Plan and fund a fair transition for workers in the energy sector.
Let's get on with it!
Latest Supporters
Plan and fund a fair transition for workers in the energy sector.
We demand clean energy now
Governments are to set the future for their community/constituents.
Start the transition phase for us and our planets future.
We don’t have any more time to fiddle around! This summer’s drought and bushfires surely must convince all Governments that serious action NOW is essential for Australia’s survival.
If Queenslanders own our clean energy, we can create thousands of jobs we can be proud of and bring down power prices.
Crazy if you don’t make Queensland Solar capital of the world,The current Qld Government is a big disappointment to me.
We do not want anymore a bushfire season as this
Summer 2019-2020. A catastrophe for the wildlife and for nature in global. Koalas are close to extinction. POLITICIANS take finally your COURAGE in two hands and say no to coal!!!!
Catastrophic drought, floods and bushfires – all in the SAME YEAR is the dire warning that the government must address Climate Change as a priority of the utmost urgency!
We need clean energy and no more coal mines.
We do not need Adani Carmichael Mine.