To the Queensland government,
From droughts to bushfires, Queenslanders are living with the impacts of climate damage here and now.
Queensland can be a leader in clean energy. We could be powering our homes, our towns and our economy with good energy and new jobs, powered by the wind and the sun.
If Queenslanders own our clean energy, we can create thousands of jobs we can be proud of and bring down power prices.
We are calling on you to make public investment in big renewable projects a priority, and act now to:
- Get on with climate action: set stronger pollution reduction targets, and rapidly replace coal-fired power with clean energy
- Build publicly-owned renewables, starting construction of at least one large project by mid-2020.
- Plan and fund a fair transition for workers in the energy sector.
Let's get on with it!
Latest Supporters
PLEASE make public investment in big renewable projects a priority,
This is the future. It will give meaning and employment to many. And it will inspire the world to follow in our footsteps. Imagine a world free of war over subterranean resources, where governments are free to focus on other areas of science and technology because we no longer needed to solve this critical dilemma. We could be a major part of that. Right here in QLD.
I will only be voting for a party that has the sustainability of the planet in mind. Please invest in renewable energy for a clean future and job creation
No to Adani. Yes to solar and wind. Transition miners to better jobs so we all get to survive and thrive.
Stop dragging your feet already.
It’s a no brainer.
You rather be left behind or join the elite few who lead in this matter?
High time to heed the Climate Science forecasts which astoundingly have been out for at least 12 years!! When will Politicians grow a brain and start acting in the National and Global interest?
Nothing else is so important as this for Queensland!
We are appalled that the Government still ‘dragging their heels re climate change. Just do it!!
Also I’m very interested in the amount of $millions the Australian Govt. is proposing to spend on new mission to the moon and possibly Mars mission??? If either of these projects go ahead, the Australian people will realize we mean NOTHING to the Government. This money MUST be used to drought-proof Australia and implement bushfire reduction. Do this, and the Australian people will rejoice. Don’t do this and the Australian people will react severely. HELP THIS PLANET, AND ‘F…’ GOING INTO SPACE FOR NOTHING.
Stop digging up coal while you’re at it.
Robert Philip Kessler. It’s a no brainer, if we are fair dinkum about reducing our pollution of the air we breathe then we need to go clean energy. So lets get on with it. Wind Water, and sun we have it ll for free, and the cost of getting energy from it that we all want for our creature comforts balances out in the end.
Shut down Adani and all those other coal projects which are sneaking through…
This year’s fires make it even more urgent to move away from fossil fuels than ever before