
October 05, 2024
4:30pm - 6:30pm


Helen Thompson
Email · 0415 508 838‬


Wombat Bend Playspace
1 Duncan St
Templestowe Lower, VIC 3107
See Google map »

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October 05, 2024
4:30pm - 6:30pm


Helen Thompson
Email · 0415 508 838‬


Wombat Bend Playspace
1 Duncan St
Templestowe Lower, VIC 3107
See Google map »

Once again this spring , we’re asking our community to head down to our local creek or river, find a quiet place on the bank, try to spot a platypus and record what we see.

We have chosen this location in Templestowe where platypus are sighted fairly often. 

Platypus are unlike any other animal found on earth, but due to habitat destruction, bushfires, drought and pollution this Aussie icon is threatened with extinction.

By mapping where platypus live we can track - and then prevent - declines in numbers.

That’s where you can help. There are places within the platypus’ range where sightings have never been recorded, or where they haven’t been seen for a long time. These are our biggest gaps in knowledge.

You can help researchers fill these gaps by visiting these priority areas, look for platypuses, and upload your findings.

  • We will meet in the park between the river and Wombat Playspace, which is accessed from the carpark off Duncan St, Templestowe Lower.  
  • The best times to see platypus are dawn and dusk so start time is 4:30 pm, with talks to learn more about the area and the platypus.  
  • After that we’ll spread out along the swing bridge and the river banks to watch for platypus until sunset around 6:20 pm.
  • Please wear warm clothes, bring something to sit on (picnic blanket or small camping chair) and a torch for finding your way along the banks when it gets dark.
  • The site has plenty of great sit spots along the river. Some of them are easily accessible via ramp or a slight decline, while others involve steps and a little mud. Please speak to one of our marshals after our short speeches and we'll help you find the best spot for you.

Check the platy-project website to read more about the project and look at the map of habitat and sightings.

We can’t promise you will see a platypus, but we hope you will be motivated to continue looking by yourself in other waterways near you.