Edward st studio
46 Edward St
Summerhill, nsw 2130
See Google map »
Edward st studio
46 Edward St
Summerhill, nsw 2130
See Google map »
Historically ACF - The Australian Conservation Foundation have been a voice and advocated for our natural environments and wildlife. Over the last 12 months they have been working hard with their main focus this time being putting pressure on local members of council to commit to putting Climate Change on the Agenda and have been educating people on the terrifying facts and science of Climate Change and what is already happening and what the future will hold if we continue in this trajectory. But, its not all depressing and overwhelming, as they have also been spreading education around the real solutions that the government need to begin to put into action ASAP.
In saying all that - you are especially invited to this CALL OUT PARTY !
If you have never participated in one before - it can be a little daunting at first (especially if you are anything like me and dislike the telephone). But this is a little of what to expect.
Welcome to the space - will be held in my partners art space / warehouse.
Hello and some friendly snacks.
Then if any one feels like going over the calling script - or gaining more knowledge about the issues we can do that.
Then we begin the calling - You will be using your own Mobile and will dial a number which will then dials a household in the electorate ACF is targeting (ACF have obtained your number from ReachTEL, a market research company, so we can hear your views about stopping climate damage. Read our privacy statement at www.acf.org.au/privacy). Once they answer you read from the script - I will provide you with this prior to the day so you can get a feel for the conversation (can adapt it for yourself)- it is not very long or complicated and at the end you will ask them 'Will you add your voice to say to our next government: if you want my vote, stop Adani, end coal and switch to 100% clean energy?'. If they say yes then - ACF volunteers in your area will tell your local MP the number of people who add their voice, saying they will vote on this issue. This will puts pressure on their party to take better policies to the election. And this will all be possible because you gave some of your precious time up to come and take part in this very important action.
I thank you all for your time in reading this and look forward to meeting you all - all you excellent beautiful humans with the same passion as I do – putting the earth first.