While the rest of the world gets on with cutting pollution from cars through strong efficiency standards, Australian cars guzzle excessive litres of petrol and cough out fumes that damage our climate and our lungs.
Unless we take action, within five years our outdated cars and transport system will become our biggest source of climate pollution, and Malcolm Turnbull is due to make a decision on whether to introduce car pollution standards by the end of the year.
With Prime Minister Turnbull’s energy plan last week doing little to cut pollution from electricity, this is more important than ever.
Are a you member of the RACV, the RACQ, the NRMA or another state car club? Their peak body, the Australian Automobile Association (AAA), is unhelpfully distracting against the introduction of car pollution standards.
They’re trying to say that just because there are discrepancies in testing pollution levels cars are pumping out, we should not introduce tougher pollution standards. But this is all the more reason not to delay. It’s a furphy argument by the AAA designed to muddy the waters and delay the introduction of standards.
Your car club should not be campaigning for Australia to be the dumping ground for the world’s dirty cars with lower standards than Europe, China or the US. In fact they should do the opposite, and advocate for their members’ health and our planet.
Will you email the RACV, NRMA or your car association and ask them to publicly speak out for stronger car pollution standards?
If you’re not a member of a car association or yours isn’t displayed, email the peak body instead – the Australian Automobile Association (AAA).
If Australia’s big car clubs feel the heat from their members, they’ll respond with pressure on Prime Minister Turnbull to implement better car pollution standards.